Hi, I’m Adrienne, the Yoni Nutritionist!

It's that time of year when everyone wants to get their health back on track after the holidays, and what a perfect time to reset your vaginal AND gut health to FINALLY get rid of symptoms of chronic vaginal infections like
yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, UTI's,
and recurring genital herpes outbreaks!

Let's be honest, changing your diet and lifestyle is hard, especially when you're trying to do it on your own.

That's why I have created this as a group program - to make it easy and fun with my support and the motivation from other amazing people doing it too!

I have worked with so many people who say that doing a candida elimination diet in a group setting motivates them to stay on track to getting the results.

And trust me, you will feel AMAZING afterwards!

In my experience with eliminating my own personal candida overgrowth, the candida elimination diet like the one I teach in my signature FCK Candida program was the ONLY thing that worked to get rid of my chronic vaginal infections.

It changed my life and I KNOW it will change yours too!

If you have ever considered doing a candida diet and you value this kind of support to get you results, join us in January!

Welcome to New Year, New Yoni!

An online gut-healing elimination diet & group support program

New Year, New Yoni is an online, small-group candida elimination diet and support program that I do every year to guide you through a candida elimination diet to help you reset your gut health, eliminate symptoms of vaginal infections, and improve your relationship with what you eat - and I do it too!

This program gives you the lifetime tools and knowledge to successfully eliminate Candida overgrowth and symptoms of vaginal infections, and reset your gut and vaginal health through specific diet, supplement, and wellness practices, alongside a group of amazing women doing it too!

If you are struggling with any of the following, this program is for you!

  • Recurring vaginal infections like yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, UTI's, HPV, recurring genital herpes outbreaks, ureaplasma/mycoplasma
  • Digestive issues - bloating, abdominal cramping, gas, constipation
  • Chronic fatigue, low energy and/or brain fog
  • Skin issues - acne and eczema, allergies
  • Depression, anxiety, irritability, mood swings
  • Weakened immune system
  • Inflammation
  • Not knowing what or how to eat that works for your body
  • Knowing that something needs to change but you don't know where to start
  • Needing support as you go through a diet & lifestyle change

If you're saying F*CK YES, this is for you!

Scroll down for pricing and payment plans!

What my clients are saying...

"Adrienne completely changed my life. 

I’ve struggled with monthly yeast infections and irritation down there for two years. 

I would go through periods of severe depression and anxiety due to the ways it was effecting my life. 

I found the FCK Candida program as a last resort, after doctors basically told me they couldn’t help me. 

I first tried the self-guided FCK Candida program and failed miserably. 

A few months later, I joined the group program and WOW was that a game changer!!! 

My mental health improved, for a lot of reasons, but mostly because I no longer felt alone. 

I was able to connect with women from all over the world that were having the same issues as me. 

I found myself looking forward to our weekly group calls and messages throughout the day. 

Finishing up the program was bittersweet for me, I felt healthier and happier but genuinely miss our weekly calls. 

Adrienne is inclusive, hilarious, and genuine beyond words. 

If you’re on the fence about the program, this is your sign. Do it. "

Results you can expect from the program:

  • Regain your confidence in your vaginal health again after eliminating symptoms of chronic vaginal infections.

  • Feel confident in your sexuality and your sex life again!

  • Not worry about your vaginal health all the time.

  • Feel comfortable in your body with improved digestion, reduced inflammation and water retention. Your clothes will fit better!

  • Effortlessly lose weight and excess water retention.

  • Clear, healthy & glowing skin.
  • Energized with improved mental clarity, focus and improved mood.

  • Feel empowered with a better understanding of foods that work to nourish your body.

  • Understand your relationship with food and develop new habits to help you incorporate these practices into your lifestyle. 

You will also feel:

  • RELIEVED to have guidance & support as you go through the program - no more stress about doing it on your own.

  • EMPOWERED & MOTIVATED doing the program alongside other inspiring women doing it too.

  • CONFIDENT in knowing that you are taking back control of your health.

  • CONNECTED to your body and vaginal health because you will know exactly what foods support your health and what foods don't.

  • RADIANT not only will you FEEL amazing but you will reconnect to the powerful baddie you are!

What's included:

  • Lifetime access to my signature FCK Candida online candida elimination diet program.

  • 6 x 1-hr group zoom calls (once/week over 6 weeks, on Saturdays to accommodate everyone's different timezones and schedules).

  • Access to the private New Year, New Yoni - FCK Candida Facebook Group for questions, chatting with other members, sharing best practices, recipes, and recommendations, community, and continued support.

  • Accountability & commitment to both .yourself and the group.

  • Additional private coaching and support available.

  • It is a 6-week commitment of approx. 2hrs/week - bringing you to the mid/end of February.

Reset and rebalance your gut and vaginal health so you can
stop worrying about your vagina and live your life!

Reclaim your feminine power, improve your relationship with food your body, your vagina, your sex life, and finally take back control of your health!

This program is a journey that everyone should go through at least once in their lives.

The experience you'll get during this program will last you a lifetime and will forever change your life.

It changed mine, and I know it will change yours too!

What my clients are saying...

“Adrienne the vagina HEALER! Not only did Adrienne teach me how to heal my chronic vaginal infections but she also taught me the importance of healthy eating, what ingredients to look for when shopping, positive thinking and self acceptance.

I signed up for her group candida cleanse in January, I was desperate! I tried everything to heal my infections. I had been to 4 different gynaecologists before connecting with Adrienne. I felt so insecure and uncomfortable. I didn't know what was wrong with me or why this was happening to me.

During and after the cleanse I have never felt better, physical, emotionally and spiritually. Food is truly medicine and what you put in your body really matters.

Also, Adrienne has experienced this personally, which makes the connection, trust and process even more life changing. She is always available for questions, she responds in a timely manner and she really cares about the people she works with. I would send her texts throughout the process and she never made me feel like I had to pay her for her extra time.

Since January I have changed my diet completely. I listen to my body and my vagina because life sucks when your vagina is not happy! 

Thank you Adrienne for teaching me what I needed to do to heal!”

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to the New Year, New Yoni - F*CK Candida 2022 Program
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1 - Intro to Candida
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 - The Candida Elimination Diet
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - Supplements & Herbs that Support Candida Elimination
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Discounts on My Favourite Yoni-Health Products
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - Mindfulness & Wellness Practices for Candida Elimination
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 - The Importance of Meal Planning for your Yoni Health
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 - How to Adapt this New Way of Eating into your Lifestyle
Available in days
days after you enroll

Client Testimonial

“I wasn't sure if I had a candida problem or not, but I definitely knew that I was tired of feeling like crap- low energy, daily stomach pain and bloating, yucky moods, and poor sleep. This turned out to be an awesome reset for my body! 

Although I felt I ate healthily before and was concerned about removing some things from my daily diet and the impact on my training, I found it was a lot easier than I could have imagined. I was never hungry (in fact, I had to really track what I was eating to be sure I was eating enough!), never felt deprived, and actually enjoyed the experience.

I don't know if I would have felt that without having your expert guidance and the support from others in the FB group and on our weekly calls. Sharing our experiences, trading recipes, discussing highs and lows of how we felt along with your expert weekly training sessions and materials really made it work.

Admittedly I was happy and looking forward to certain things by the end, but I feel so much healthier, happier, and with a bit of a different outlook on certain food and my relationship to it. 

Thank you for your dedication to helping women take control of their health while keeping it 100% fun and realistic.”

Hi, I’m Adrienne, The Yoni Nutritionist!

I'm a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Sexual Health Advocate with a passion for women’s sexual health.

I help women and people with vagina's get to the ROOT CAUSE of their vaginal infections with holistic nutrition and wellness practices and help them to feel confident and empowered in their bodies and sexuality again.

I've personally struggled with chronic vaginal infections -yeast infections, BV, UTI's, candida overgrowth, HPV, and HSV-2 (genital herpes), for half my life which impacted my life in so many ways.

In my experience, I found that there is a huge gap between western medicine and the way the body is meant to heal.

This why I do this work, to help people who are struggling with chronic vaginal infections similar to mine who are looking for alternative solutions to managing these infections without relying solely on medication.

When I learned and personally experienced how diet and lifestyle changes can improve the quality of my own vaginal health, it forever changed my life.

And now I'm helping so many women and people with vagina's get results that are changing their lives too (and that their doctors could never get them!)

This work has changed my life, my relationship with my body, with my vagina, with the foods I eat, AND my lifestyle.

It's helped me regain my confidence in myself and my sexuality, learn to trust my body AND my vagina, and has improved the quality of my life.

And I'm helping so many women change their lives too!

Eliminate candida naturally through diet, nutrition, supplements

Learn about the foods to eat and foods to avoid to eliminate candida, candida-fighting supplements & natural herbs to take that support candida elimination.

Mindfulness & wellness practices that support candida elimination alongside the diet.

Learn about the underlying emotional triggers of candida and beneficial mindfulness & wellness practices that support candida elimination alongside the diet.

Incorporate a Candida-friendly way of eating realistically into your lifestyle.

Learn about how to realistically incorporate a candida-friendly "way of eating" into your lifestyle that will continually support your candida elimination journey!

Client Testimonial

“Before I started the F*CK CANDIDA elimination program, I had been getting recurring yeast infections since I became sexually active. I also had 1-2 headaches per week. After trying many different types of treatment for candida overgrowth with no success, I knew nutrition was the next step.

As a vegan, I thought I was eating very healthy but, to my surprise, I realized that my eating habits were conducive to candida overgrowth and contributing to my headaches. In the beginning, I was extremely distraught at the idea of changing my diet, but Adrienne's guidance along with the support group and sessions were an absolute asset for making this possible, and even fun!

After completing the diet, I feel more connected to my body with a much healthier relationship to food and a nutritional lifestyle that works well for me. Not only does my yoni and gut feel healthy, but my headaches have also subsided.

A really nice bonus to all of this is that I also noticed improvements in my menstrual cycle with a healthier flow, reduced pain/cramping, no mood swings, and no breast tenderness.

I'm really happy I finally took the leap for taking the group program to FCK Candida. I highly recommend it!”