There IS HOPE with HPV!

Welcome to the HPV Healing Guide - an exclusive downloadable resource to give you the tools and knowledge to learn how to manage, prevent, and heal HPV infections with holistic nutrition and lifestyle practices and provide you with continuous support with your HPV healing journey.
I know it works because I've done it, and I've helped my clients get results too!

Hi, I’m Adrienne, The Yoni Nutritionist!

20 years ago I was diagnosed with high-risk HPV
(cervical dysplasia), and it rocked my world.

I felt so f*cking ashamed, confused, and scared, especially when my doctor told me that there was a potential of it developing into cervical cancer.

Over the years I've seen multiple gynecologists, done multiple colposcopies, the LEEP procedure, spent so much time and money on doctors visits, and I was STILL getting abnormal pap smear results.

This period of time really impacted my physical and mental health AND the quality of my life. I was afraid to date, have sex, I didn't trust my body, and I didn't understand why this was happening to me.

Plus the fact that I wasn't getting much post-diagnosis support or any other solutions on how to manage it from my doctors.

I was frustrated AF!

I decided to take things into my own hands, spent years of research to learn more about HPV, and realized that there are TONS of things you can do with to manage it - with your diet, specific supplements and your lifestyle, AND IT WORKED!

My pap smears started coming back NORMAL!

This information has changed my relationship with my HPV diagnosis - I am no longer ashamed of it, scared of it or worried about it, and I trust my body that it can manage it on its own!

Now I can share this experience and knowledge with people who live with HPV who need solutions, inspiration and HOPE!

There IS HOPE with HPV!

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is something that most sexually-active adults will come across at some point in their lives.

HPV is a very common yet very misunderstood, and is loaded with fear, shame, stigma and a lot of confusion, especially when Doctor's and western health professionals do not offer any support or information post-HPV diagnosis.

Whether you have been been diagnosed with genital warts, cervical dysplasia or another form of HPV (did you know that there are over 200 different types of HPV - 40 that are sexually transmitted?!), many people do not realize that HPV is a manageable virus before it develops into a serious health issue.

Unfortunately there is still a HUGE gap in the western medical approach to HPV, and a holistic approach to managing it.

But this is where I can help - I know it's possible, because I've done it!

This is why I've created the HPV Healing Guide, The HPV Healing Guide is an exclusive downloadable HPV resource, giving you the tools to learn to manage and prevent HPV infections through specific nutrition and lifestyle practices.

This guide teaches you how to manage and "clear" HPV infections, to take control of it to prevent it from returning and potentially developing into serious, long-term health issues.

Adopting these practices into your lifestyle will help you strengthen your immune system, and support your gut health and the health of your nervous system, which is key to managing HPV.

By learning about what and how to manage HPV and feeling supported along your HPV healing journey will encourage you to positively change your relationship with your body and empower you in your HPV diagnosis!

See what my clients are saying...

"If you are struggling with HPV like me or you just want to know more about HPV, Adrienne’s HPV Healing Guide is such a great tool to start using in your life.

It’s packed with useful and important information, really great lists of DO’s and DON’Ts and great resources on delicious and nutritious recipes, herbs and supplements to support your body in healing from HPV.

You learn to listen to your body through the food you eat and that’s really empowering. I’ve noticed a lot of positive changes in my body which made me feel good and also it encouraged me to continue using the tools I’ve learned from this guide to support my body in healing HPV. My body loves it, I love it!"

- Lana, Croatia

Results you can expect:

  • Feel supported with guidance, facts and knowledge about your HPV diagnosis.
  • Feel empowered with the understanding of how the HPV virus works in your body. 
  • Feel confident with realistic solutions to know exactly what you need to incorporate into your lifestyle to manage your HPV.
  • Develop healthy lifestyle habits that are important to managing HPV in the long-term.
  • Feel motivated, inspired, empowered, and confident within your body and your sexual health.
  • Feel confident within your sexual relationships, even with your HPV diagnosis.
  • Feel confident to end the shame and stigma within yourself with your diagnosis.
  • Feel supported on your HPV healing journey with 1:1 support from me!
  • You will also get access to my exclusive HPV Healing Guide Facebook group for additional support from myself and others on a similar journey.

This is the HPV information and support we should have received when we were diagnosed!

You are not alone!

I'm Adrienne, the Yoni Nutritionist and I have been HPV-free for 3 years!

I'm a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher and Women's Health Coach with a passion for women's sexual health.

I was diagnosed with high-risk HPV in my early 20's and have been through the emotional rollercoaster of abnormal and normal pap smears, multiple colposcopies, the LEEP procedure, and worrying that my high-risk cervical dysplasia would develop into cervical cancer.

Fast forward to almost 20 years later - I've had normal pap smear results for the 3rd year in a row, which means my once-high-risk cervical dysplasia is no longer at risk of developing into cervical cancer!

This is because I have learned to adopt healthy diet and lifestyle practices and choices into my lifestyle to maintain my gut health, boost my immune system, and keep HPV away!

And I've created the HPV Healing Guide to give you the tools and knowledge to teach you to do the same.

The HPV Healing Guide includes everything from important HPV facts and stats to specific immune-boosting nutrition, supplements and wellness practices to how to easily incorporate into your lifestyle to manage, prevent and heal HPV naturally, just like I have.

HPV Healing Guide Curriculum

  HPV Healing Guide - Welcome
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Important HPV Facts & Stats
Available in days
days after you enroll
  HPV Diet & Nutrition
Available in days
days after you enroll
  HPV Supplements & Herbs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Discounts on My Favourite Yoni-Health Products
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Managing HPV with Wellness Practices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Next Steps...
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Important HPV Facts & Stats

Understanding all the in's and out's of HPV is the first step in learning how to manage the most common STI that we will all come across in our sexually adult lives.

HPV Diet & Nutrition

Learning about how to eat the right foods and the right supplements to boost your immune system and maintain your gut health is the secret to managing HPV naturally.

HPV-Free Lifestyle Practices

Adopting healthy habits and incorporating holistic wellness practices into your lifestyle will help you to manage HPV naturally, alongside diet.

HPV Facts - Did you know?

HPV is a virus, and is the most commonly transmitted STI.

In fact, according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control & Prevention) 80 million Americans have HPV and 14 million new diagnoses are expected each year.

This means almost anyone who is sexually active will get at least one type of HPV during their lifetime.

It’s estimated that HPV will go away without treatment in 80-90% of people who contract it.

That being said, although we can "heal" HPV, the virus never actually goes away - it remains dormant in our bodies until it is triggered by a suppressed immune system.

This is why it's important to live a healthy lifestyle to maintain the health of your immune system, so that you can heal HPV and prevent it from developing into serious, long-term health issues.